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Sock Summit Update I

Wow! I have to tell you that not in our wildest dreams did we expect such a huge response so quickly.  Since vivid imaginations and wild dreams are not in short supply on this team. I believe this says a lot about this sock adventure we are all about to embark on. We are pretty excited! 

So here is where we are at this point.

We have sent all of the teacher proposal forms out as of last Monday. We sent forms to all confirmed teachers and requests for more information to all others. If you signed up on the list or have talked to either Stephanie, Cat or me and have not received it please let us know. You can email us at or use the comments section here if you like. PLEASE CHECK YOUR JUNK MAIL!

If you have signed up as a sponsor we will be sending your information out this week. Those of you that have signed up for vendor information will be receiving a request from us the week of November 3rd. We are staggering these mailings in an attempt to stay sane (break for hysterical laughter) and to keep on schedule.

Once we have gone over all the teacher, vendor and sponsor forms we will contact you. I think you can expect to hear from us within 3 weeks of submitting your forms.

We have a very big KAL sort of project to keep us all busy and working together as we build this Summit of sock knitters. We should have all we need to start this in November and will announce it here and on the ravelry group.

The following are the email addresses you can use to contact us with questions or help. Please do not hesitate to use them if you have any questions or ideas.