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Henry gets his Grinch on


And yes, he is on the couch. His most favorite place to be

  1. denny is worried #

    o.k. this is weird, the knitting in the post before this one looks at if Henry’s chewed the snot out of it.  Round green thing.  Thats not what happened, right?

    November 30, -0001
  2. tina #

    dearest denny who is worried and very funny,

    believe it or not love it is fun fur that Henry is sporting

    he stole it from a Grinchy kit.

    November 30, -0001
  3. I’m not at all surprised that Henry is stealing fibery things. That’s what I would expect from anybunny who goes anywhere near the Blue Moon barn. And we already know that he’s a thief. How many hearts has he stolen?

    November 30, -0001
  4. Henry looks as content as the day I met him.  And of course, the best place in any house, for any pet, is on the couch.

    November 30, -0001
  5. hehehhee…Denny just made me laugh out loud! 

    Henry knows a good spot when he sees it smile

    November 30, -0001
  6. tina #

    yeah, she made me spit my tea all over the place and that was before I actually got what she was saying.

    November 30, -0001
  7. Every once in a while I see a rabbit that makes me think I want a rabbit.

    Henry may be that rabbit. He looks like Bunny Blue, who’s in the big grassy field in the sky.


    November 30, -0001
  8. Melissa #

    I think the nearly-glowing red eye makes Henry look like he’s plotting world domination.  With yarn.

    November 30, -0001
  9. Hee, he looks like he’s getting ready to vacation in Hawaii with his own eyelash lei.

    So, can I be a snot and ask if the Raven book is still being released this month?

    November 30, -0001
  10. @Melissa—“world domination”—bwahahahahahahaha

    Hey, Tina… I’ve been trying to respond to your email and I keep getting bounced back. I’m not trying to spam you, I promise!  grin Just wanted to let you know that I’m always game.

    November 30, -0001

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