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Orders Update

We are here today and doing our dead level best to crank out as much as we can.  I know that there are a lot of you wanting your order status. You can check this on the site and that really is all the info available at this time. We can dig through and check for you but this ttakes an extraordinary amount of time and will not really give you more info. I think it serves us all better if that time is used processing orders.

The reason this has back-logged so badly is the massive amount ( over 700) of orders from the sale and they were large with many kinds of yarn which decimated our dyed inventory, then the weather and power and well weather and power. I know that you on the East Coast and Midwest deal with this and are set up for it so it seems to be a small thing. Here it is not a small thing and where we are it is even worse.

So I guess I am begging for your patience and understanding we truly are doing our very best to get your orders out.

I will know more this evening and hopefully still have power to post that information.

It truly has been one of those one thing after another periods and when I have more of a sense of humor about it I will share.

The final straw might have been this morning when the propane truck got stuck and now will not be back until next Monday. Even though I told them not to come until tomorrow, since I knew they would get stuck and …
