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Welcome Paytan Patricia Cook

On Thursday August 12th our Cockeyed the sockateer aka Debbi Stone became a grandmother for the very first time. A role that she has been coveting, wishing, hope-chesting, praying and knitting for.  As you can imagine she is over the moon with joy and love for the newest addition to the lovely Stone clan.

You can go here goddessknitters to read about the play by play and see pictures of the vision that is Paytan Patricia.

It has been the most interesting experience to witness this coming of age as a grandmother in two of my closest and dearest.  I remember so clearly that broken-open-heart feeling from having my own children. I thought I knew love before that but no, I truly did not.  There is just no mistaking that radiance.  As blessed as I know that Debra And Debbi feel to have Patricia And Dylan in their lives and they are. I think that this is a two way street and that their daughters and their children are so lucky to have these two open hearted strong, powerful, vibrant women as mother and grandmother.

I feel very blessed to be a just the smallest part of this circle.

My own grandmother always said this poem whenever their was a new babe among us.

Dylan Ray and Paytan Patricia

May you always walk in sunshine.

May you never want for more.

May Irish angels rest their wings

beside your nursery door.

And for the proud parents:

May God grant you

a wee bit of heaven

to cradle in your arms –

a sweet bonny baby

to hold close to your heart

A newborn babe

brings light to the house

warmth to the hearth

and joy to the soul

for wealth is family

family is wealth.


ps. for all of those waiting ever so patiently for Moonstruck guess who the test knitter is?

I’m sorry but this is just one of those life stepping in moments that says stop, just stop.

Pattern next week.