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If you can make it there

On the other side of the country this weekend, in the city never sleeps was a little thing called Vogue Knitting Live. Sockateers Cockeyed and Etta Mae (otherwise known as Debbi and Susan) were joined by Massachusetts Mama Marcy (aka KnittingGolfer) to spread the yarny goodness with students and shoppers alike in the Big Apple.

In addition to our own yarn and patterns, we shared our booth with some of our favorite independent designers. This is how we work, as part of the great knit circle of life. Designers manifest dreams into in reality through sketches, swatches and samples. My colors and yarn get to take the form of their inspiration. Knitters respond to the siren call of a great pattern and start their own magical journey. We’re all in this together, as a tightly knit community (even the loose knitters).

So, a big thank you to the designers who helped out at the Blue Moon Fiber Arts booth, in spirit, as well as pattern. If you didn’t have a chance to get to New York (like me and most of the knitting world), please check out their fabulous designs online.

My dream is to create a community of great knitting, through color, fibers, the unique visions of designers, and the creations from the needles of all knitter.

  1. Hazel Smith #

    Wouldn’t it have been lovely? And just imagine, I could have gone to the opera as well. Instead I was here in Sudbury at -43C if you factored in the wind chill.

    November 30, -0001
  2. Ellen King #

    It was a great time but wish you had been there.  My group of five did right by you!  We all loved the Woobu!

    November 30, -0001
  3. Tracie Nixon #

    Vogue Knitting Live was so much fun!  I only went for the Market on Saturday (I am saving for SS11), and brought 2 relative newsbies to the “knitting conference” phenomenon and my friend, Marlene who I do all my yarn adventures with.  It was great to see Debbie and she gave me the best hug I had all day!  I stocked up on STR & also am trying out some Luscious.  So glad Blue Moon was represented!

    November 30, -0001
  4. Ann Marko #

    Blue Moon was the best booth there! The ladies did a phenomenal job.

    November 30, -0001

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