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Bits and pieces.

We have finally caught our collective breaths from this past weekend’s Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival. I do believe a great time was had by all. I certainly had a blast. I love this show. It has some of my favourite elements of a woolly good time: fiber critters, fiber folk, and anything your woolly heart might want or need.  Also there is really great pie. Oh and Irish Wolfhounds and music and … .

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We sold bunches of yarn and saw all kinds of friends, got lots of hugs and I even got a kiss on the cheek from a very beautiful sheep wench. It really was great to see everyone and have a moment or two to visit.

I even got to shop, which was boatloads of fun. And… I kept my promise to myself and left without one single fleece which I do believe is an OFFF first for me. However, I made up for it in spades at the Greensleeves booth, I had a smallish incident involving some spindles. The number is not important.(Remember Barbara you’re sworn to secrecy.) My name is Tina and yes, I have a spindle problem.  It’s ok I used to have a spinning wheel problem, a way bigger problem to have, but I got that under control, at least I’m making progress. Besides they are tools of my trade right?  A yarn-girl needs tools with which to ply her trade.

Buckets of fun!!  Thanks to all of you who came out to play, it was good to see you all!


Maxine of Island Wools isn’t her chicken tea or head cozy lovely?  It’s mine now along with coloured cotton and some wicked cashmere. I know.

This week is jam packed and as I type this and remember today is Thursday the week is also almost over.  Where does the time go?

We are shipping sock club and filling web orders and prepping for our next shows SOAR, Rhinebeck and Stitches. That’s where the time goes.

We were scheduled to put the price change for the 3 weights of sock yarn up yesterday but we are having a few Zen Cart issues. So you have a few days to squeak in your order if you have not already.  I doubt we get it up before Monday. So…

For those of you waiting for next years sock club pricing we should have that for you at the end of next week.

Today’s word of the day at is woolgathering. They define woolgathering as: Indulgence in idle daydreaming. This struck me as funny this morning and then I got to thinking about it. I never really gave this word much thought other than being kind of charmed by it.  As an expert woolgatherer I would not describe any part of what I do as idle or daydreaming; thinking, planning, designing, and scheming maybe but not daydreaming.  I wonder is this a touch of sexism or just shows how we’ve valued this part of life in the past.  Even though the woolly arts started out as male dominated, knitting the families clothes or even knitting to pay the bills (working with wool) was traditionally women’s work. We all know us women as a group are just idle daydreamers, the whole sorry lot of us. 

hmmm… food for thought.

Thank you

ps. I do not have anything against day dreamers or day dreaming. Ask Sister Margaret Claire she gave me an A+ in it.  Gotta love a sarcastic nun.

Anyway thats the news from Blue Moon where the women are strong and are woolgathers and would love a moment to indulge in idle daydreaming.