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Librarian Inspired Knits


What happens when creative meets geek in the stacks of the local library?

The super creative Alex Tinsley , took the dewey decimal call number for knitting books, 746.43, and turned it into a pretty wonderful scarf ~ Meatadata.

Metadata uses our Socks that Rock Lightweight in the followoing colorway combo’s: 1.Cooperline,Spinel and Ponscum. 2. Motley Hue, Deep Unrelenting Gray and Spinel.

Metadata is just one of a series of wonderful designs in   Stitching in the Stacks, Librarian Inspired Knits edited by, Sarah Barbour and published by , Shannon Okey and her team, at Cooperative Press . We’re pretty tickled with the whole book. Yay Cooperative Press!! We have to admit though, there’s a special place in our knitterly hearts for Metadata, in all of it’s Dewey Decimal geeky goodness!   Makes a knitter want to go find the call number for her favorite book and give it a go.

Photo Credits go to the lovely and talented Caro Sheridan. Pictures for the book were shot at the Cleveland Public Library, one of the highest-circulation libraries in the country.

Here are a few behind the scenes shots from Shannon.

Great job all!
