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Price Changes

It has been a very long time since we have changed the pricing on most of our garment/accessory type yarns. So…starting next Wednesday just about all of our garment yarns will be going up about 15% give or take a fudge here and there. We wouldn’t want to make things be 34.27 or some such nonsense. I like my numbers tidy where money is concerned. It makes thing easier to add them in my head.

And just because…. our super cute duo of the day. My friend Linda has two of the most dear grandchildren, Ty and Clara, they are just a joy!  Ty loves all things fiber arts related and I believe when he is just a little bit older is going to take the knitting world by storm. He calls me Tina Newton in the dearest way that just about does me in. Both Ty and Clara came to our dye day and played. Ty has been before and had a very clear and distinct vision for his yarn. He named them even!!  Mountain Rainbow and Midnight Sunset. See…he’s gifted! And his little sis Clara is no slouch either look at that pink she has there.  She calls her colorway Happy. Ty thought maybe Pink before you Wink would be good name for hers. It’s a great name and now, thanks to dear Ty and Clara, in the beginning of the Fall season, I am going to have to come up with a Pink before you Wink colorway!

Thank you Linda for sharing these two wonderful souls with me!!! xoxo
