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the online sale and…

We are off and running with the first day of the first ever Knot Hysteria event. Kind of exciting, maybe kind of also a little bit nerve wracking but hey certainly exciting. You would think that after that whole Sock Summit thing that this would not be true but there you have it. A veritable walk in the park right?  Thousand of knitters versus forty knitters. Certainly on the organizing stress’o’meter scale it does not compare. Still making something lovely and educational and fun and respectful so that everyone’s needs are met and their experience is positive does fall on someone’s shoulders and when you are organizer well… there you have it.

Soon Port Ludlow will be over run with knitters and this aspect we enjoy immensely. The staff here refers to us as “ the knitters” and some of them have even learned to knit because they think we are such a fun group.  Julie showed us her first project last night and she was so proud and it was a beautiful scarf that was very, very well knit. We will need to hook her up with some better yarn though. hmmm I wonder how we are going to do that.

ok… Morgaine is waiting for our help to set up her booth so this is brief and mostly to tell you that today JoAnn is adding the spinning fibers to the website and the 15% off sale starts today and goes until November 18th

(right JoAnn??) We decided to start the online sale this weekend so everyone had something fun this weekend.

Everything is on sale except Gift Certificates.

This is the code you need for the sale: holiday2009 (Enter this during checkout in the discount coupon redemption box)

Happy Shopping

All my yarn balls are not in the air.

There are not enough hours in the day. There just aren’t and if there were I do not think I would have the energy to keep it going anyway. I intended to give you a play by play from SOAR and really I have great photos and had a good time.

And then there is that Brown colour study I owe you and we are about to finally add spinning fibers to the website and I want to tell you in great detail why we are adding the ones we are and show you why I love them so and how I think you will.

We are also going to have an online sale soon and you need the details on that and the 2010 Sock Club.

But I have to leave here Wednesday morning and head to the airport to pick up Steph and then it is off to Port Ludlow and the “Dye to Knit and Knit to Dye Weekend” of fibery goodness.

Please don’t get me wrong I am really excited. It will be a blast but it is a lot of prep and packing and prep to leave here. The list is massive and I should be working on it as we speak but I had to tuck in girls and then say hi to you if only for a brief moment.

So… I am asking you to bear with me for just a bit longer it is all coming I promise.Cross my heart and hope to dye!

See some of you real soon.

thank you for your patience

Here are some pics of the scary Halloween thing we had going on in the barn.

Haunted Dye Barn


little silk ghouls

If you are int he Port Ludlow this Saturday between 1:30 and 6:30 we will have out little store open to the general public.

The store is Carolina Homespun and Blue Moon. We are bringing all sorts of goodies including spinning fibers and Rare gems.

Morgaine is bringing all things fibery which means I am in trouble. I have the loveliest little spindle from the last time I saw her.

Turkish Delight

and the packing continues.